How to Set Up Giveaways

Designify’s Giveaways module allows you to host and manage giveaways within your server. To get started, you can use the following commands:


/giveaway create

To create a new giveaway, use the /giveaway create command. You will be prompted to fill in the details, such as:

  • Giveaway Title: The name of your giveaway.
  • Prize: What the winner(s) will receive.
  • Duration: How long the giveaway will last (in minutes, hours, or days).

Once you provide all the necessary information, the giveaway will be created and announced in the channel you run the command from.

After creating the giveaway, Designify will automatically post an embed in the channel with all the giveaway details and an entry button.

/giveaway end

To end an active giveaway before its scheduled end time, use the /giveaway end command. This will select a winner (or winners) and post the results in the same channel where the giveaway was created.

Be sure you’re ready to end the giveaway, as this action will immediately draw the winner(s).

/giveaway reroll

If you need to pick a new winner for an active giveaway, use the /giveaway reroll command. This will randomly select a new winner from the pool of entries and announce it in the channel.

Use the reroll command when the original winner is unavailable or if you simply want to choose a new winner.

Giveaway Management

You can manage all your active giveaways directly through the /giveaway commands, ensuring you have complete control over the timing and winners.

Announce Giveaway

Use the create command to quickly announce your giveaways in your community.

Pick a New Winner

Reroll the giveaway for a fresh winner if necessary.