How to Manage Staff Promotions

The Promotions module helps you organize staff promotions in your server. While it doesn’t automatically rank users, it serves as a tool to track and log promotions, allowing for better organization within your server.



To promote a staff member, use the /promote command. You will need to provide the following details:

  • User: The staff member being promoted.
  • Rank: The rank they are being promoted to.
  • Reason: The reason for their promotion.

This will log the promotion in the system, making it easier to track and reference later.

The promotion does not automatically assign the new rank to the user. You will need to manually update their role in the server.

Using Promotions Effectively

The Promotions module is designed to help you keep track of staff changes and organizational hierarchy. While it won’t automatically update ranks, it ensures you have a record of each promotion.

Promote Staff

Use the promote command to log staff promotions.