Creating Your Portfolio

To create a portfolio, you’ll need to run the /account command and select the Create Portfolio option from the dropdown menu. Once selected, follow these steps to get your portfolio set up:


Run the /account Command

Open Discord and run the /account command in your server.


Select Create Portfolio

From the dropdown menu, select the Create Portfolio option to begin the process.


Choose Design Fields

You will be prompted to choose your design fields. Select the fields that best represent your skills and expertise.


Enter Portfolio Link

Provide the link to your portfolio. This link will be associated with your profile and displayed in your portfolio.


Portfolio Created

Once you’ve completed the steps, your portfolio will be created, and you’ll be redirected to your Portfolio Dashboard where you can edit your design fields and portfolio link.

Managing Your Portfolio

To manage your portfolio, use the Edit Portfolio option. Follow these steps:


Run the /account Command

Open Discord and run the /account command in your server.


Select Edit Portfolio

From the dropdown menu, select the Edit Portfolio option to manage your portfolio.


Edit Design Fields and Link

Modify your design fields or update your portfolio link as needed.

Searching for Portfolios

You can search for portfolios either with general queries or specific filters. Use the following commands to explore portfolios:

Use the /portfolio list command to search for designers’ portfolios. This will display a list of portfolios based on your query, and you can add optional filters to narrow the search.